Beatrice has some idea what letters are because she loves receiving cards and other mail from her grandparents (the Snoopy Thanksgiving from my parents was a particular favorite). And she more or less knows who Santa is.
And yet, naturally, there was some confusion. For awhile Beatrice thought the small paper slip inside the calendar bag was the letter to Santa, and she cried bitterly when she accidentally tore it while sleeping with it during her nap. "I ruined it!" she cried. (I had to print out another slip for her.) She also seemed to think that she was supposed to give gifts to Santa. And of course she confuses Christmas with Halloween and thinks it involves trick or treating and costumes. (Santa's costume, she explained, is a hat and a red jacket.)
We took her to our local Macy's where they have a Santa letter mailing station (for each stamped letter you send they donate $1 to charity) and we got down to letter-writing at last. Her first draft?
"Dear Santa,
After some coaxing, she continued:
"Dear Santa,
Thank you.
Dear Santa Claus,
I want Madeline. Arthur wants an owl.*
Color cool
[P.S. - ] My name is Beatrice."
*These, of course, were their Halloween costumes.
A keen observer will also note she is wearing mismatched shoes.